The UK Property Investment Forum


Last Update a year ago

The UK property market is a highly dynamic and ever changing space. Knowing how, what and where to invest is now more critical than ever before.

Join us for the latest property market research, intelligence and strategic review.

The UK Property Investment Forum enables investors to meet and learn quickly and efficiently whilst also networking with likeminded individuals from anywhere in the world. We use the latest data and analytics to share with you the trends and future forecasts for UK property. Attendees get the latest insight and are supported with highly competent content and case studies, as well as updated on emerging legislation and matters of interest for investors.

These meetings are unlike other networking events. We are content and insights heavy without the upselling. All property investors are welcome – we have a range of experiences and also a variety of strategies are covered in each meeting.

As an online meeting this month, you can register to join us on Zoom. Meetings are repeated monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, every month except December.

Click HERE to access registration page.

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