🎥 Area Research - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John doing a presentation on Area Research. 

In this exciting video, he demonstrates two main ways of entering areas using the Ultimate Property Dashboard. By simply adding a postcode or letting the software find areas for you, you can explore properties based on your preferences, such as budget, rents, and yields. 

John highlights the power of statistics and graphical representations for a deeper understanding of property trends. With AI-generated leads, property searches, and comprehensive area reports, the Area Research feature proves to be an essential tool for investors' due diligence. 

Access key stats directly from your dashboard and streamline your property research effortlessly.


"In this video, I'm going to show you how to use Area Research.

There are two main ways of entering areas. The first one is pretty simple. Use 'Add New Area,' type a postcode, and you'll see suggestions. You can multi-select or just choose one. Alternatively, you can put in the full postcode and select it. Okay, that's how you can add an area. In this example, we'll do SA1. We'll tick the box and add it. That will then add an area to Area Research.

There's also the functionality for you to find areas. If you're not sure where to go, let the software find them for you.

Pick your area. In this example, we can do Wales. You can actually type the place you're looking for, if you prefer. But we'll just do the whole of Wales in this example. Whatever your preference is in terms of properties, in this instance, we'll look for two-bedroom properties that are under £150,000. I can also put in the rents, maximum, and minimum rent I want in an area. I can also put in yield. So, I'll just put in a demand, normally between 1% and 100%, and showing how much of the stock was turned over. I put 25 in, and it should be pretty good. I can also put in these extra fields, so I'm going to add in I want everywhere where the average income is over £28,000 a year. You can add more things, like the number of listings, crime rates, sales affordability measures, and more. But we'll run with that.

You can see on the left and on the right-hand side, we have all of the postcode areas in the UK. When I click search, it will apply it to that list and give me a short list of properties. So, there are four properties that match that criteria. Four postcodes with those properties that match that criteria in Wales. So there they are. And again, just to make life a little bit easier for us, if you're not sure where they are, you can click on 'Show the Selection on a Map.' Of course, you will need to select them first, or you can add them to Area Research. It doesn't matter which way around you do it. In this example, we'll just put them on a map, and you can see straight away it's done a nice little map. You click on any one of these areas, and you get a breakdown of the key statistics, and you can add them. Alternatively, just go back to the top and add those areas to Area Research, and away it goes. It's very important that you do this for areas that are of interest to you because then you get statistics.

So you can see we've got demand between 0% and 100%, and even less than 20% will be red because we've deemed that not as good. Green anything over 20%. We've also got asking rents and what the change is there, and asking prices to show what's happening with prices at the moment. Then we've got some advanced statistics. So we've got the defaults to demand. We can also look at what the growth pattern has been. You can see they keep running out of rent in this area, so there's nothing in two of the months. You can see asking prices. The asking prices have been dipping and dipping and dipping in this area. And obviously, now we've got demand, so that comes as no surprise. We've also got asking rent as well, what's been happening to rent, and then we've also got a table for yield as well. Again, you can change this; I've selected the two bedrooms in my search, but I can move this to three-bedroom if I prefer. You see the little green button flashing; that tells me they will update those charts for three-bedroom properties for that area. So you can move between different types of properties in an area by doing that.

Now, obviously, we've got other areas as well where we can look at other bedroom types and sizes. You can also see we can do an HMO analysis and run that report for HMOs, and it will then give us an update on HMO demand and information. So you can see there, statistics are all updated there. So you can see there's not much demand for HMOs in that area at the moment, which is interesting. And again, with these reports, not only do you have the statistics in graphical form, but we've also got some key measures as well. So in SA9, the average asking price for three bedrooms is £210,000. A heck of a range of pricing £146,000 to £285,000, is where the majority of properties sit in price range. £900 is the average rent for a three-bedder, and 5% yield. So straight away, we've got instant insights. We can also filter this report if we only want to see the Swansea postcodes and the Neath postcodes. We can do that, and it will update with just those postcodes on your report.

Finally, in this part of the software, you can PDF it, so you can download it to your email to send on to people, and you can also view the table of data as well. Click on 'Table,' and you'll get a big table of data, which, of course, you can pull into Excel if you want to, and you can add or take away columns here as well. So Area Research is really powerful to get your data.

There are more features with Area Research though. So, obviously, we've added our areas in, but there are also these key buttons for each area. The first one is AI-generated leads that will automatically give you a list of anything that matches common investor strategy. So, a lot of investors like to do 'buy, refurbish, and refinance.' Again, there are properties that need refurbishment, there's also development that will land and planning gain, and of course, the cheaper properties, ones that have been reduced in price, amongst many others. So again, just to show how that works, click on 'Need a Refurbishment,' it'll take us away and give us that property that needs a refurbishment, and there it is. Okay, click on that, and it'll take you to the site where it is listed. That one will be on the market; it covers all the major portals.

We can also access the data table, which we saw a moment ago. We can also find properties, so we can set a specific search up. Very similar to property search where we will click on this button and then it will give us all the properties in that area, and we can start loading in our strategies and filters using this software. That's more covered off in property search than it is in this video. So check out the property search video for more information on that. Then the final one, area report. Obviously, we've got the graphs there, but wouldn't it be nice if we just had a nice report that we could view with all of the information about that area? 

So here you can see when people talk about due diligence, this is due diligence. So we've got filters; obviously, this is

defaulted to houses that are three bedrooms, but you can change this around. You can do the rental market, you can put two and three-bedroom properties in if you want to using the filters. You get a nice heat map with blue being the cheapest through to red, which is the most expensive in that area, and of course, you can zoom in. Each of these little red dots or each of these coloured dots is a property, so you can click on it to see what that price point looks like in that area. Then you've got a range of what's currently on the market and the asking prices. Again, each of the yellow dots corresponds to a property that you can click on.

Also, you've got the sold prices, so what properties are actually selling for, again great for valuations. Asking rents, your key financial statistics for that area, the activity in that area, so the demand that we talked about earlier. You can see very clearly there where we've run out of rental stock in February through to April, nothing in this size property category. You can also see what's been happening with prices, so they took a big dip in May, and they've been gradually climbing back up. And then you can also see that with yields; you can see who the main estate agents are, the biggest ones in that area in terms of listings, both for rent and for sale. And then you've got a full table of all the current listings, so again, you can highlight those, really handy due diligence report that one. And of course, like everything else, you can PDF it.

So that's Area Research. Now, the beauty of Area Research, like everything else in this software, is whenever you add areas to your Area Research, they will show on your dashboard as well. So we go to dashboard, you will now see on dashboard, whenever you log in, key stats for your areas, and you can click on any one of these, and it will take you straight to it. So if you are looking at CF44, you can click straight away on that, and it will take you straight to the details for CF44. It will take you straight to my report, and if you want to do quick due diligence, it's very simple to do. I hope that was helpful. 

Check out our other videos where I'll show you other areas of the Ultimate Property Dashboard, but that video is where I'll show you other areas of the Ultimate Property Dashboard, but that is Area Research in a nutshell."

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