🎥 Portfolio - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John's exciting presentation on how to use Portfolio in UPD. 

This function allows you to track and manage properties you own, providing statistics and due diligence on both potential acquisitions and your current portfolio. With clear visualisations of property values, loan-to-value ratios, equity, yields, and cash flow, you can easily make informed decisions. 

Furthermore, the system keeps you updated on key events such as expiring safety certificates and insurance, ensuring you never miss an important deadline. Stay organised and efficient with your property management by utilising the UPD Portfolio function.


"In this video, we're going to look at how to use Portfolio in Ultimate Property Dashboard. 

Ultimate Property Dashboard has the ability to track properties that you own. You can put your whole portfolio into UPD. A little bit like a CRM system, but a CRM for properties, the UPD Portfolio function will keep you updated on the statistics in relation to your portfolio. So you can not only do due diligence on properties you're going to buy in areas you're interested in, but you can also do it on your own properties.

So you can see a running total across the top. We've got two properties in this portfolio that are worth a combined value of 544. The loan to value is really low, 18%, so there's 444,000 pounds of equity, 5.4% yield on these two, and a half thousand pounds or thereabouts of cash flow, and then the net cash flow so after your mortgages are all paid, it's making 1400 pounds on these. You've also got each of the properties separated. You can see this one is unencumbered, so it's 0% loan to value, and this one is on at 37%. And then you can see the statistics for each of these. So what the equity is in this property, what the amortised gone up since it was purchased, the monthly cash flow. You can see the average asking price for this type of property in this area, the range, the rents, and the yield. And then you can see how this area is performing to elsewhere in this example, Swansea. So it compares the performance of this property to the rest of the area. So that's handy. I've also got another one here.

I won't go through all those lines again, but just look at the difference between these sliders. You've got less, you've got lower demand for this type of property, but the rents and the prices are through the roof. So you can see that's something you tend to see when there's been high growth in prices over a short period of time and a high increase in rents, demand tends to drop off a little bit as the market adjusts. So really useful insights into these properties. Now I've made a lot of money on this property, haven't I? I've made 17% in the last six months on the asking prices, and I've got a fair bit of equity. So you can see in this example I've taken a decision to sell the property as well. So I can actually list these properties for sale if I want to from my portfolio. But that's in another video that is in property trading. Don't forget to check out that video.

In this example though you'll also see that some key events at the bottom. So you can see there are some that aren't set. So I've got no mortgage on this property so I could set a mortgage up in here. No days left on my gas safety, no days left on my insurance, no days left on my EPC and my electrical stuff. So I need to take some action on this property, don't I? I would need to update the property details and put them in, so I can do that. So here is some background detail for the property. I could put a mortgage in if I wanted to and put my product in and when my product expires. Really quite important to do that especially in these higher interest rate times. You can put in details about the property, but probably most popular is property safety and certificates.

So there you can see the gas safety certificate has expired today and the electric and EPC and insurance. So let's change that around a bit. Let's put our gas safety certificate in a week's time. Let's do our electrical safety certificate in one month's time. And let's do our EPC in a few months and our insurance let's put that down as let's do that as expired actually and update okay so you would come in here and you would put your you know you put your details in so you can see now this report is dynamically updated so I've now got seven days on my gas safety my insurance is overdue, two days. My PC has got one day left and the electrical certificate has got 28. Notice the difference in colours. So urgent is red, not so urgent is green. Getting close is amber. So by the time things get to amber, you want to be doing something about them. So the portfolio enables you to do this. And of course, you can add more portfolio properties by clicking on add new property.

A couple of things about my portfolio that's quite useful, anything that you put in terms of safety or time-related will show up on your calendar. So again, check out the calendar video for more information, but again as you can see for my portfolio, all these things are things that are due on these properties, and they're also in the calendar. So helpful to have that. Also, if you are fortunate enough to have an offer accepted and you complete on a property, you can add it to your portfolio from DealStacker. So if we look at one of the properties that I put in DealStacker in another video, I have some offers on this property. If that offer is accepted, we change it to accepted, you will now find that there is a prompt, a new one in DealStacker. Add to your portfolio. So if I click Add to Portfolio, put the details in, and then it will be added to my portfolio. Not going to do that now, time is short on this video. But, of course, similar to everything else in this software, if you have entered them into one of these areas on the left, you will get information and feedback on your dashboard.

You can see now my portfolio is summarised here, the values, how much loan to value I marked, 18% loan to value on this portfolio, how much equity I've got and then I've also got the cash flow as well showing me what I'm making. So again, no need to go anywhere else other than just look at a dashboard to get feedback straight away. Hope that was of help. 

Do check out our other videos for more information about UPD."

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