🎥 Calendar - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John doing a presentation on the incredibly efficient Calendar tool within UPD. 

The calendar offers a straightforward yet powerful way to organise your property-related tasks and events. Easily distinguishable by colours, blue denotes portfolio activities, green for trading, and yellow for general tasks. 

Whether it's managing certificates, follow-ups, or adding custom events, the Calendar ensures you stay on top of your property business. Plus, receive timely alerts for urgent tasks right on your dashboard. Embrace this user-friendly and time-saving feature to enhance your property management workflow.


"In this video, we'll be looking at Calendar. Calendar is a really simple but really effective tool in Ultimate Property Dashboard. You can see that we've got a calendar with different events on different days. You can see if you move your mouse over them, it will give you a little bit more information about the property that it relates to, if that's required. And also, you'll see on the right-hand side a breakdown of these as events or tasks. So you can see it's defaulted to all. So you've got different colours for different things. So the blue stuff is portfolio, anything to do with your portfolio. Green is to do with trading. If you put any general tasks in, they'll be yellow. And of course, there's red for expired tasks. You won't normally see that in all, we just keep them out of all. So many of these will be populated from other parts of Ultimate Property Dashboard.

So your certificates are from your portfolio. If you've got things expiring or coming up soon, they come straight from your portfolio. The green is trading, so they are in relation to anything to do with your trading. So you can see there, the green one is a follow-up on Free Davis Terrace. And of course, we would have general as well. We can manually add these in. So you can see this plus icon here, we can add an event in. So let's put a general activity in. Let's go to a property seminar and we say in, I don't know, maybe Cardiff. Cardiff, there you go. And we can say that is a general activity and I'm going to do that on Sunday. Also, I can add it to my Google Calendar if I want to.

I'm not going to do that in this example. And away it goes, and it will add that. Now we should see a different color. We've got a yellow one which is a general activity, and you can see it both in the calendar and also in my task list. Task list is always chronological and if you want to change or make amendments to any of these, you can edit it by clicking on the edit button, and you can delete it by clicking on the delete button and then there's also an arrow next to it.

Open that up, it gives you a bit more detail. So that one we just entered, go to a property seminar, click on the little arrow, and obviously we typed that it was in Cardiff. Now I mentioned a moment ago, you can sync all of this to your Google Calendar. So if you've got a Google account, which most people do, you can sync it directly with your Google account, and it'll show on your phone and it'll show on your diary and all those good things as well. Also, just as a point of interest, anything that we put in here that's urgent and requires an alert, you'll see at the top of the screen you've got alerts that will also be on your dashboard. So if we go back to our dashboard, the landing point in Ultimate Property Dashboard, you can see there.

Click on those alerts and there you can see all of the alerts, things that we must do on the front page. Okay, and you can complete those, you can get quotes for different things if you so wish. So a really useful and quick way of managing your calendar, which obviously syncs with your Google Calendar as well. 

Thanks very much for watching, see you in another video."

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