🎥 New Dashboard - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John doing a presentation on the Ultimate Property Dashboard landing page - our new Dashboard. 

The dashboard provides key statistics and leads for your property trading needs. It's divided into four steps: Area Research allows you to deep dive into selected areas, Leads summarises filters bringing leads, Deal Stacker showcases stacked deals and offers, and Portfolio Tracker provides valuable insights on your portfolio's performance. 

The user-friendly interface allows easy access to alerts and account admin. Checking the dashboard daily is crucial, especially for leads, to find genuine potential properties. 

Take a tour and explore UPD's features for an exciting property trading experience.


"Here, we're going to look at Dashboard, the Ultimate Property Dashboard landing page. 

It takes you to the main dashboard for all of your key statistics and key leads. You'll notice at the top of the screen we have a four-step area, which has all of the areas that we have selected. Again, if you want to learn how to select areas, check out the Area Research video. That area will take us directly to Area Research, where we can check and deep dive into our data and find more details about the areas we have selected.

The second part of the Dashboard is leads. Here, we have a summary of all the filters we have set up to bring leads to us. So, you will notice there are nine leads, which is a sum of all the different filters we have set up. And again, if you want to check out how to set up leads, do check out the Property Search and the Area Research videos for more information. Additionally, you can scroll between different time periods for your leads. You can see those that are in the last 24 hours, the last 10 days, and the last 30 days. On top of that, straight from the front page, if you want to bypass your filters and just do an AI-generated lead search, you can do that here as well. I'll just click on that to show you how that works. So there we go. There are 33 leads across our areas. You can see them all there. Furthermore, you can see the breakdown by different property types and different strategies. These include multi-unit blocks, tenant properties, needing refurbishment, commercial premises, and even land and planning gain.

Going back to the Dashboard, we move to the third step: Deal Stacker. Here, you can see that there are five deals that we have stacked in this Dashboard. These deals are from previous searches or properties that we have added. Again, check the Deal Stacker video to find out more about that. You'll notice a really nice summary view where you've got a summary of the different strategies you've stacked. In this instance, we've got one flip and we've got four BRR deals. And importantly, you can also see your offers. This allows you to know where you're at with your offers in your pipeline. These pipelines can get quite large, so it's really useful to have that summary view. Moreover, you can click on any part of the screen here to check out the deals that you have stacked.

The fourth step, and one that's very useful for those of us that have properties already or are adding to our portfolio, is the Portfolio Tracker. Here, you can see a quick statistical view of how your portfolio is doing. In this example, you can see that the portfolio value is 544,000, and it's yielding at 5.4%. Then, you can see the loan-to-value in a nice easy half-donut chart, and we've also got the portfolio equity presented in a similar format. Finally, you can see your gross monthly cash flow, which is the total amount of cash you're generating from these properties. Additionally, you can see your net position, which is after you've paid your mortgages. Again, you can add more from here, and you can check out the Portfolio video for more information about adding properties to your portfolio.

A couple of other bits of admin on this page. Obviously, there's a "Take The Tour" option where you can tour the whole software. There is also your alert icon, so anything that is important that you need to be alerted about is held up there. For example, you can see we've got some EPCs due soon and some electrical certificates, so it's a quick shortcut to any alerts that we may have. Also, we've got our account admin, so you can see here I can update my personal details from changing a password to my billing details. You can change your subscription level and alter that as you see fit. Moreover, if you are property sourcing and you're putting your deals onto this software, you can upload your source and compliance documents. And of course, you can log out as well.

So, a really, really simple and easy dashboard. The main point that you should go to every day is here onto your dashboard, particularly for leads. For those of us that are actively searching for properties, it's important to understand how your area is performing, and it's also important to understand what leads there are in those areas. So, again, as a piece of admin, you just click on leads or tap on leads on your phone, and it will take you straight to a summary of all the leads that are available for you today in the Ultimate Property Dashboard. 

So, I hope you enjoyed that video, and I really do hope you get the opportunity to use UPD and also to find the properties that you are genuinely interested in and are genuine potential leads for you. Please do check out the other videos, and I'll speak to you again soon."

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