🎥 Property Search & Leads - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John doing a presentation about the powerful property search feature on Ultimate Property Dashboard (UPD). 

The video demonstrates how easy and effective the search tool is, gathering data from various sources, including top portals like Rightmove and Zoopla, as well as commercial property and direct-to-vendor deals. Users can filter properties based on their preferences, such as location, on-market or off-market status, rental options, and property types. 

The artificial intelligence identifies key information, such as price reductions and chain-free properties, simplifying the search process. Users can save their filters, receive updates on new listings, and view all shortlisted properties on their dashboard. 

UPD's property search offers a comprehensive and efficient way to find potential leads in the property market.


"In this video, we're going to look at property search. Property search in UPD is really simple, but exceptionally powerful. 

The most important thing to draw your attention to is all of these sources that we get data from. So it's not just one of the portals like Rightmove or Zoopla, it's all the top three plus commercial property, plus direct to vendor, plus HMO data as well. So we get that from many sources.

Now, if you want to start your search, go to property search, put in your area that you're interested in, select the search radius if you want to, so we can do within a mile of this postcode area, and choose where you want to search. So obviously we've got on market, we can also do off market, so we can look at direct to vendor and property owners, maybe landlords. You can do rent, so you can search for the rental market, handy for rent to rent and purchase these options and we can also do a commercial search as well so if you do things like commercial to residential if you do retail if you do land again we've got that information here too. We're going to keep it simple for this example; we'll just do on market, so this is going to take us to Zoopla, Rightmove, and on the market and we're going to search for properties in SA6. So of course, we can do that and that then gives us a summarised view of all of the properties that are currently listed on those portals.

In most instances, they will be deduplicated. Okay, so you can see there we've got a bigger list. And you'll also notice on many of these, if there's some key information that the artificial intelligence has found, it will tell you. So price reduced, there are quite a lot of price reduced in this area, but I'm sure we'll find some others. So there's a chain-free property if it knows that it's chain-free, also if a property is going to auction. And there are many, many other types of things that we can find. They are summarised in types of leads. So these are the types of things our AI is looking for: refurbishments, quick sale, repossession, HMO, multi-unit block, and so on. So you can multiple select the things that may be of interest to you. So maybe you're looking for just stuff that has desperate sales involved. So cash-only auction, chuck a tenanted one in as well and apply that. So I can multi-select and then get a filtered view of those types of properties. There we go. So there's plenty there. So that's quite useful.

I can also look at these in a table if I don't like all the pictures which obviously I can then review and I can also download to CSV so that means I can put it in Excel or I can view on a map so that's always helpful put them on a map and see all the different types of properties and I mean it's the majority of these properties in this area houses and that's exactly what we're seeing all those blue dots but as you can see the legend at the bottom different types of properties will be a different colour.

Now if we go back to our search we can also do some other quite interesting things. So if we go back to the grid view, you can also start filtering so perhaps you only want to have houses but actually you don't want terrace houses so you can do that. Of course, you can also select apartments and you can do HMOs and you can do holiday lets and service accommodation and so on and you can also put the number of bedrooms in that you want. So in this instance, we can put two bedrooms in, and we can say give us all of the properties under 120,000 and click on Apply. And off it goes, and it will give us those properties that meet that criteria.

We can also be more imaginative. So we can perhaps just put the stuff that's been on the market for over 90 days, the minimum length on the market is 90 days, that gives you the oldest stuff that's been kicking around forever or you can maybe just look at the stuff in the last 7 days. So you can apply both of those too. Anytime that you set this up, you can then save a filter. So if you like this search and you want to keep the software up to date with new listings that match this criteria, very simply you save the filter and you save that filter with a name. Now I would always recommend you put the postcode in so you know where it is and just give an idea of what it is. So I'm going to do under 120k and save it or submit it. So I can do that there, I can also as you see fit. So, a very simple process to shortlist properties.

Now, because I have saved that filter, you will now notice that this shows in my dashboard. So if we go back to the dashboard, you can now see that I have a filter, a lead filter, which is here, save filter, and you can see that there are no leads. And that's if I just refresh that very quickly, that should actually show the number of leads that we have. And if I, as you can see here, I can move between 24 hours, 10 days, and 30 days. So if I move up to 30 days, you can see there's one of those properties in that list was shortlisted, that we shortlisted, is less than 30 days old. So a brilliant way for you to get a summary, and you'll notice this bar at the top will also update as you go ahead and you add things to it.

So let's do it slightly differently this time. Let's use property search again. But this time we'll actually filter and after we've done the search, we'll do it while we are on the front bit. So we'll go, we'll do a big radius. So let's do a different area. Let's do L19, and let's do 10 miles. And let's add some filters. So you see the filters here? So this time, I'm going to go different. I'm going to do something different. I'm now going to just look for HMOs in L19 within 10 miles. And I will apply that search. So I've actually filtered before I do the search, slightly different way of doing things. This is a very, very large set of data. L19 is in Liverpool, and that will have gone through tens of thousands of listings to find me HMOs. So again, now that I've found my HMOs, I don't need to go in and set my filters and types of leads, I've already told it what I want. So I simply just go to save filter in the top right, and again I can say that's my Liverpool HMOs, and again that will update every day with potential leads. 

Okay, so very simple for us to set up property searches, and each time we do one of these filters, we go back to the dashboard, you will see that your shortlist changes so you'll notice now in the last 10 days I've actually got seven leads. Let's put that to 30 days. I've got 30 leads. All I now need to do is click on leads, and I'll get all of my searches all in one place. I don't need to go one by one, they're all mixed together here which is very helpful for me and if I like these I can filter on the different types of searches that I've done and I can view them in a table format as well and again similar to all the rest of the software simply click on the listing and it will open up the URL with the property. 

Okay folks hope that was helpful that's a property search I hope you enjoyed it."

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