🎥 Property Trading - Quick Video Introduction


Last Update a year ago

Watch John doing a presentation on property trading with Ultimate Property Dashboard. 

He explains how to list properties from your portfolio or manually enter them for all users to see. Property sourcers can create free property adverts following the instructions provided. The system ensures compliance with terms and conditions for registered property sources. The tool is user-friendly, saving time by populating listing forms automatically. 

Potential buyers can easily express interest in properties, and sellers can manage prospects efficiently. The software also integrates with calendars, providing alerts for interested parties. 

A powerful yet simple way to buy, sell, and manage properties effectively!


"In this video, I'm going to talk to you about property trading on Ultimate Property Dashboard and show you how you can do it. 

So it's pretty self-explanatory. You can list a property advert that will be advertised to all users of Ultimate Property Dashboard.

Okay, so if anyone is actively looking in areas where your property is, they will be notified that your property has been listed. Property trading is fantastic because you can actually list properties straight from your own portfolio, and you can also manually enter them.

So if you are a property sourcer, you can put the properties in by creating a free property advert and following all of the instructions on the input page. Very simple to use, put the details in, upload some images, type a description, and finally, and most importantly, confirm you agree to our terms and conditions. Particularly for property sources, you must be registered and compliant. If you are not registered and compliant, we will not be allowed to use this tool. Obviously, if you own the property, it's your property, that doesn't apply to you, but you still need to agree to our T&C's. But you don't need to go through compliance in order to list your property. So if you've got a portfolio or if you've owned a property for a long time you want to sell it or just test the market, see what's happening, you select.

Now you'll see if I'm the property owner, it will actually default to the properties that I have. Obviously, I've already listed one of them. I can list this one for sale. If I tick that button, it will automatically populate this form with all the information the software already knows to save me time. Really handy. We won't go all the way through that; we'll move back to property trading.

So you can see already I have listed a property for sale, and you can see that that is listed here in my listings. So if I edit that listing, I can go in and I can change details about that property. Maybe I want to add some more pictures. It's very simple. I can just upload more pictures here.

Okay, so that is listed, and crucially, that is available for people to view. So if someone was interested in this property, they would probably find it in a property search or in a notification if they've got it as a saved filter. But let's just show you how that would work for a user that is looking for property.

So let's go for SA17, and we're gonna look for off-market direct-to-vendor deals. So we run that report, and we get that one listing, the one with the red bedroom. There it is, that is the property I am selling, the fictitious one. If they are interested in that property, they click on it like they would anywhere else on the software, and they get details about the property and they get a breakdown of what I've described it. And if they're interested, they can send their interest. Very, very simple, deliberately so.

So I can put my name down, John Test, 2023, and then pet and covet. And I can put an email address down, John, E-B-D, not A-I. There we go. And I can put a number in. And I can put a little description in, hello, this is the test. And one day I will learn to type. There we go. So I submit that, so that is now sent to the vendor.

Let's assume that this is a different John. Now, if someone was interested in our property, several things happen. First of all, in property trading, you will see that I have the listing obviously, but I've also got prospects. So if I click on prospects as a seller, I can see that there's my original test, and here is today's test. You can say, hello, this is a test. And if I wanted to contact that person, I have their contact details there. I can click on them, click on that email address, and it will send an email. I can also delete them if I'm not interested in speaking to these people anymore, get rid of them. So very, very simple, but very effective and very quick.

Also, if you've linked your calendar, obviously, this will be in the calendar; you will also get alerts as well if someone has expressed an interest in your property. So very, very simple and easy to use, but very powerful.

So if you have properties in your portfolio or if you are a sourcer or if you've just got properties you want to sell, you can manually enter them by creating a free property advert or enter them directly from your portfolio. So if we just to show you how you would do that, you can go to portfolio, you can find your property, you can update property details, you can then make sure that all gets pulled through into the listing. So get your properties set up in the portfolio, and then you can list them directly or you can do it manually from the property trading part of the software.

I hope that helps, folks. See you in another one of our videos."

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